About Me

I'm Darcy, a Network Engineer and tech wizard that lives in Western Australia. I like all things Linux, cloud engineering, network engineering, annoying my family with pointless websites, and of course; second breakfast.

In my spare time I like to hang out with my family, and do as little as possible. When I'm not too busy I like to drink coffee, play guitar, and read.

About This Site

You may be wondering 'what is the point of this? why would anyone care what someone eats for smoko/morning tea/second breakfast?'. This is precisely the point! no one would care. I just made it to annoy my family members. That, and I wanted an SSL certificate for my selfhosted server applications.

On the front-end, this site was built in Notepad++ using HTML, CSS, and some resources to keep the total size of the site low (which makes it fast!). The whole site is hosted using AWS Lambda & static resources on S3, and costs me nothing (except for the domain name).

On a back-end, it is quite complex. Each page is an AWS Lambda function, which only operates when called (serverless website). I use Cloudflare for DNS, and Cloudflare Workers to call the AWS Lambda functions - because that way I get a free wildcard SSL certificate which people normally pay $$$ for, meaning I can have unlimited sub-domains attached to my domain name. The Lambda functions are written in Python, and I have coded the ability to write 'updates' (second breakfasts) on the main page using JSON API calls to other Lambda functions. With AWS you get 1,000,000 free Lambda invocations a month, so as long as I rate-limit my incoming traffic from Cloudflare, then the whole things costs me nothing with the exception of a $5 domain name each year. This is covered in greater detail on my 'How?' page if you are interested.

a proud member of the green team of 512KB club